Xippr free URL shortening service
Xippr free URL shortening service

In today’s world, websites create extremely long URL’s that you might want to send to a colleague or friend.

Of course, as may have happened to you, Outlook (and many other email programs) will cut off part of the

URL that will cause the URL to break when it is clicked on inside the email.

To solve this problem, I recommend using a site like Xippr.com that will provide a great service for you:

Xippr.com will take this:




and change it to this:


You can then easily add this short URL to your blog posts, Facebook status, Twitter update – anywhere to make the URL much easier to click, copy and paste.

For Xippr.com, I was able to complete some PHP programming work inside the administration area of the site to show the site admins how many URL’s have been shortened in the last week (broken down by day), a listing of the last URL’s that were shortened and much, much more.

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